El inicio de un nuevo año no es solo un cambio en el calendario, es una oportunidad para reflexionar y redirigir nuestros esfuerzos hacia un propósito mayor y generar un…
Read MorePrioridades 2025 “Las cosas importantes rara vez son urgentes, y las cosas urgentes rara vez son importantes.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower Con la llegada de un nuevo año, también…
Read MoreAh, el Año Nuevo. Esa época mágica en la que todos creemos que el futuro nos pertenece y el éxito está a la vuelta de la esquina (¡y lo está!).…
Read MoreSi algo he aprendido en todos estos años como líder de equipos, empresas y proyectos es que la mentalidad resiliente en tiempos de crisis no es opcional, es esencial. Las…
Read MoreEn un mercado cada vez más competitivo y globalizado, las empresas buscan optimizar su producción sin perder calidad ni eficiencia. Ahí es donde entra en juego el concepto de maquila…
Read MoreImagina esto: estás en los hermosos campos de Colombia, donde el aroma de la caña de azúcar recién cortada se mezcla con el aire fresco de la región. No, no…
Read More ¡Bienvenidos, fanáticos del sabor y el bienestar! Prepárense para conocer a los verdaderos superhéroes que están cambiando el mundo desde los campos colombianos. No se trata de héroes en…
Read MoreEn la búsqueda de una vida saludable y deliciosa, los superalimentos colombianos están ganando terreno en las cocinas y batidoras de todo el mundo. Colombia, con su riqueza en biodiversidad…
Read More¿Sabías que el 40% de la población mundial trabaja en la agricultura? Sí, leíste bien. Sin embargo, en Colombia, la imagen del agricultor sigue asociada con personas mayores. Pero, ¡espera!…
Read More¡Bienvenidos a un viaje culinario con Heincke Group! En esta aventura gastronómica, exploraremos recetas saludables internacionales que celebran la versatilidad y sabor de nuestros productos agrícolas. Desde un exótico curry…
Read MorePanela Colombiana: Un Tesoro Dulce En Heincke Group, entendemos que la salud y el bienestar comienzan con lo que consumimos. Los agroalimentos saludables son esenciales para una vida plena y…
Read MoreEn Heincke Group, estamos convencidos de que la salud y el bienestar comienzan con lo que consumimos. Los agroalimentos saludables son esenciales para una vida plena y vigorosa, pero ¿qué…
Read MoreLa agricultura regenerativa se presenta como una solución transformadora para los desafíos ambientales y agrícolas que enfrentamos hoy. ¿Sabías que el suelo saludable puede capturar hasta 250 millones de toneladas métricas…
Read More¿Sabías que la producción de agroalimentos es uno de los principales contribuyentes al impacto ambiental global? En un mundo donde la sostenibilidad se ha convertido en una prioridad, es crucial entender…
Read MoreEn un mundo donde la igualdad de género se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo sostenible, el empoderamiento femenino emerge como un tema de crucial importancia. Este concepto no…
Read MoreEn el competitivo mundo de la industria agroalimentaria, la selección de los proveedores adecuados es fundamental para el éxito de cualquier negocio. Desde la calidad de los ingredientes hasta la…
Read MoreDesde Heincke Group, entendemos que el agua es más que un recurso; es el pilar de la vida y la agroindustria. Cada gota cuenta en la producción de alimentos saludables…
Read MoreEn los rincones más recónditos de Colombia, entre montañas majestuosas y valles verdes, se esconden tesoros culinarios que narran la historia de los aromas y tradiciones de nuestro país. La…
Read More¡La Semana Santa está aquí y con ella llega la oportunidad perfecta para disfrutar de deliciosos platillos tradicionales cargados de sabor y nutrición! En este blog, exploraremos algunos consejos y…
Read MoreEn un mundo dinámico y cambiante, la industria alimentaria enfrenta desafíos cada vez mayores. Desde la creciente demanda de productos más saludables y sostenibles hasta la necesidad de diferenciación en…
Read More¡Bienvenidos, apasionados de la buena alimentación y el bienestar total de los alimentos funcionales! Hoy nos sumergiremos en un universo de alimentos que no solo alimentan nuestro cuerpo, ¡sino que…
Read More¡Bienvenidos, amantes del dulce y la innovación gastronómica, a una nueva entrada en mi bitácora culinaria! Hoy nos sumergiremos en el fascinante mundo de las dulces innovaciones, donde la panela…
Read MoreBienvenidos a una nueva era de dulzura, una era donde la tradición se fusiona con la innovación para dar vida a una joya gastronómica: la panela pulverizada y micropulverizada de…
Read MoreEn el vasto mar de las tendencias agroindustriales, las mareas de cambio están siendo moldeadas por inclinaciones que se avecinan como tormentas en el horizonte. Al observar las olas que…
Read More¡Bienvenidos al 2024! Al saludar este nuevo año, nos sumergimos en un emocionante capítulo de desafíos y, sobre todo, de inmensas oportunidades. Si bien es cierto que la industria agroindustrial…
Read MoreConoce la Natilla Navideña que ha trascendido generaciones y que no hay paladar que no encante. En el corazón de una pequeña comunidad colombiana, rodeada de verdes campos de caña…
Read MoreBienvenidos a un viaje de descubrimiento, donde exploramos los secretos de la mejor panela colombiana, calidad excepcional. No solo se trata de producir panela, se trata de cultivar una experiencia…
Read MoreBienvenidos a un viaje al corazón de Colombia, un país que posee una joya culinaria: la panela. Me llamo Eduardo, y hoy te invito a explorar las raíces y tradiciones…
Read MoreEn el dinámico mundo de hoy, donde cuidar de nuestro bienestar y el del planeta es más importante que nunca, los consumidores buscan opciones que combinen sabor, sostenibilidad y nutrición.…
Read MoreEn la vasta y competitiva industria alimentaria, donde los consumidores se convierten en verdaderos gourmets y aprecian la autenticidad y calidad, ofrecer más que solo sabores es esencial. Se trata…
Read MoreEn el mundo dinámico y competitivo de hoy, el arte de liderar se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para el éxito empresarial. Sin embargo, liderar no se trata solo…
Read MoreEl Dulce Anhelo de Prosperidad: Transformando vidas En los campos rurales de Colombia, donde la caña de azúcar se convierte en el sustento y la esperanza de comunidades enteras, se…
Read MoreEn un mundo donde la paz es un anhelo universal, la innovación emerge como una poderosa aliada. La sinergia entre innovación y paz puede forjar un camino hacia sociedades más…
Read MoreLa economía circular se ha convertido en un concepto crucial para empresas que buscan no solo sobrevivir, sino prosperar en un mundo donde la sostenibilidad es la clave. En este…
Read MoreSostenibilidad empresarial y Nuestra Cadena de Suministro: Un Compromiso Compartido En un mundo donde la sostenibilidad se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para las empresas, es inspirador ver cómo…
Read MoreEn el mundo de la agroindustria, las operaciones eficientes son un factor crítico para el éxito y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo. Las operaciones agroindustriales altamente eficientes no solo optimizan…
Read MoreLa panela está conquistando los paladares del mundo. Con su sabor distintivo y su versatilidad en la cocina, el encanto de la panela la ha convertido en un ingrediente imprescindible…
Read MoreTriple Impacto. En la actualidad, las empresas enfrentan una gran responsabilidad en el mundo globalizado en el que vivimos. Ya no basta con generar ganancias y maximizar el valor para…
Read MoreLas tendencias en agricultura sostenible se han convertido en un tema de gran importancia en todo el mundo. Según un informe de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la…
Read More¿Qué es lo primero que piensas cuando escuchas el término alimentación saludable? Cuando comes, es fácil pensar en los alimentos como combustible. La ingieres y tu cuerpo la utiliza…
Read More¡5 años alimentando el mundo! Heincke es una empresa que nació con el firme propósito de transformar el agro en Colombia, estamos alimentando el mundo con productos saludables y naturales…
Read MoreNos complace anunciar que nos hemos asociado con Goodwings como parte de una de nuestras iniciativas para reducir las emisiones en todo nuestro negocio y generar una huella de carbono…
Read MoreServicio de packing y servicio de Packaging: Seguro que ha oído los términos packing y packaging hablando de logística, aunque se trata de conceptos estrechamente relacionados en la preparación de…
Read MoreHuman capital plays a crucial role in the production of panela. After coffee, panela is the most important agro-industry in Colombia, not only because of the number of productive establishments…
Read MoreA food system encompasses all the interconnected actors that generate value in the production chain, from the production, processing, distribution, consumption and disposal of food products that originate in agriculture,…
Read MoreThis December 5, World Soil Day is celebrated as part of an awareness campaign about the importance of caring for soils to maintain the balance of ecosystems. Salts are a…
Read MoreAntioquia is one of the thirty-two departments of Colombia. It is located in the Andean and Caribbean regions to the north of Colombia, and borders the Atlantic Ocean, Córdoba and…
Read MoreEvery year about one million tons of panela are produced, with a value of $ 3.2 billion colombian pesos. This makes the panela agroindustry one of the most important for…
Read MoreOn November 24, 2021, the movie "Encanto" will be released, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and directed by Byron Howard, Jared Bush and Charise Castro Smith. In the musical…
Read MoreThis certification is granted when a product is made complying with Canadian organic standards, guaranteeing the integrity of food from the fields to the table. What is required to obtain…
Read MoreIn 2019, the Foundation of the National Association of Businessmen of Colombia (ANDI) founded the initiative “IN Business Movement”, to recognize successful organizations in the inclusion of vulnerable populations in…
Read MoreFor many people, the concept of sustainability is directly related to environmental impact. However, for Heincke, this word implies much more, extending to 3 spheres: environmental, social and economic. Environmental…
Read MorePanela arrived in Colombia in the 15th century, since that time it has become one of the most known and important products of the basic basket of Colombian families, thus…
Read MoreThe consumption of panela in Latin America and the world grows every day. Little by little, it becomes more recognized and valued by consumers. However, its existence is not recent,…
Read MoreEvery year between mid-April and July, Dorset and London (UK) hold tastings, where thousands of products are put to the test to determine if they are eligible for recognition for…
Read MoreFernando Heincke, CEO and Founder of Heincke was interviewed by Hernán Trello, Director of OLIVIA Colombia. All this as part of Olivia “Transformation Stories”. In this interview, Fernando spoke about…
Read MoreWhen buying a product, you come across different information such as "nutritional value", "diet products" or "organic products". This can be confusing, and lead you to consider that "organic" is…
Read MoreDirect Trade seeks to establish direct and beneficial relationships between producers and distributors, eliminating intermediaries that are usually part of the supply chain. When applied correctly, it benefits both parties…
Read MoreThe department of Cundinamarca is one of the locations where Heincke produces its panela. In this territory, we find the Eastern Mountains, the plateau of the Bogotá Sabana, the Ubaté…
Read MoreOne of Heincke's certifications is GMO Free, which refers to the absence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Heincke's products and processes. GMOs are living organisms that have obtained DNA…
Read MoreThe department of Valle del Cauca is one of the most important regions for Colombia. With an extension of 200km, it is located in the southwest of the country with…
Read MoreOrganic food is a great trend in recent times, we have understood that by saying that something is organic it means that it is equal to healthy. However, do we…
Read MoreThis system is recognized as part of a movement where the encounter arises when we realize that we share the same search: "a new economic genetics that allows values and ethics…
Read MoreThe principle of health This is the first of the 4 principles of organic agriculture, it presents us that the health of individuals and societies cannot be divided from the…
Read MoreOrganic farming is much more than not using pesticides, genetically modified organisms, fertilizers, growth hormones and antibiotics. It is a holistic system for crops and livestock production, design to optimize…
Read MoreWe all know life can be way too busy and that your dreams may seem a little bit too distant, because we have a lot of responsibilities. So, how do…
Read MoreIngredients: BaseTarta de CocoCapa de Mango2 tablespoons of water400 ml of coconut milk350 g of mango3 tablespoons of coconut oil 400 ml of vegetal milk3 tablespoons of water120 g of vanilla…
Read MoreToday, we share with you a recipe for a dessert, which chocolate lovers will prepare again and again. It is gluten-free and loaded with omega 3, antioxidants, calcium, and fiber.…
Read MoreNowadays, it is very common to hear about organic products and their wonders; these products range from food to cosmetics. And perhaps, for us, there remains the question of whether…
Read MoreGoing to the supermarket can be a complete challenge, due to the big amount of products that we can find in this establishments, making for us, getting healthy food, with…
Read MoreSome years after Milton Friedman declared that “the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits”, this doctrine is finally coming to its end. A lot of entrepreneurs and…
Read MoreThis recipe is a restaurant favorite, it is based on an authentic Hunan dish roughly translated into “ancestor meeting-place chicken”. Ingredients For the ChickenFor the sauce1-pound chicken (boneless thighs)2 tablespoons…
Read MoreFair Trade is an alternative trade system, focused on the social aspect and solidarity, which seeks to achieve the development of the people and the fight against poverty. The main…
Read MoreFrom August 24 to August 28, 2020, the fifth Colombian Business Congress (CEC in spanish) and the 76th National Assembly are held, which is carried out every year by the…
Read MoreNothing better that starting the day with a coffee and a toasted bread with jam, both sweetened with panela. Today we will learn how to make our own jam. Ingredients: …
Read MoreNowadays, it is really striking how the climate change is charging its toll on us, so, regarding this issue. What can we do to improve this? As everybody knows, kids…
Read MoreHeincke has in its core values sustainability. In 2021, you will be a B certified company for 3 years. This certification encompasses 3 major pillars: environmental, social and economic. It…
Read MoreLately it is really common to heard that the use of masks, antibacterial gel and the hope of the vaccine for COVID is what people are looking for. The thing…
Read MoreThe magazine Forbes Colombia chose 25 companies to demonstrate the bravery and resilience of entrepreneurs during COVID. One of the sectors that has suffered the most in these times are…
Read MoreRosahelena Macía Mejía co-author of the book "Panela a Tradition” thought that the recognition 2 years ago by the Gourmand World Cook Book Awards was the greatest thing that had…
Read MoreRaw sugar cane is healthier that any other cane sugar sweetener. It is made without the use of additional chemicals used in the process of white sugar. It has minerals…
Read MoreIngredients: For the French toast: -8 slices of bread -3 eggs -1 cup heavy cream -1 tablespoon of raw sugar cane -2 teaspoons of cinnamon -3 tablespoons of butter Bonus:…
Read MoreRaw cane sugar (panela) color is a subjective measurement of panela quality. In general, consumers in Colombia tends to prefer a yellow or light yellow panela thinking that this means…
Read MoreIngredients: - 1 tbs of coconut oil -200 g of mixed nuts -2 tbs of panela -1 tsp of instant coffee grounded Directions: Heat the oil in a pan, put…
Read MoreWe are pioneers in an industry where we have developed new ways of doing things that were otherwise very traditional. Our pursuit to add value to panela has led us…
Read MoreEnsure healthy lives and promote well being at all ages for all is the Sustainable Development Gold #3. In Heincke we offer a product that replaces refined sugar (simple carbohydrate)…
Read MoreDue to rapid economic growth and increased agricultural productivity over the past two decades, the number of malnourished people has almost halved. Many developing countries that were suffering from famine…
Read MoreIn September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, an action plan for people, planet and prosperity, which also aims to strengthen universal peace and…
Read MoreAs many nutritionists warn, approximately 75% of the sugar we eat every day comes from processed foods, and we can find it in products such as vegetable broth, sauces like…
Read MoreFor centuries, panela was a handcrafted product that had no added value or technological changes in its production process. The traditional productive factory of panela is known as "trapiche". Colombia…
Read MoreIngredients 1 big pork loin 1 and 1/2 head onions cut into rings 1 and 1/2 cloves of garlic finely chopped 1 bay leaf 1 thyme branch 1 beer 1…
Read MoreIn one of the recent publications of the magazine Dinero, panela is shown as one of the opportunities for entrepreneurship in Colombia. In this article called “Panela: una oportunidad para…
Read MoreThere are six key steps during the panela production. They are as it follows: 1. Sugar cane maturity and cutting When the cane is mature (between 10 and 20 months…
Read MoreFirst of all, we want to invite everyone to stay calm and take advantage of this moment. We are presented an opportunity to enjoy our time at home while we…
Read MoreFernando Heincke, a businessman from Bogota and CEO of the company that bears his surname, has been considered one of the most visionary entrepreneurs of the recent generation. Within its…
Read MoreThe constant increase in temperature and the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere are manifestations of climate change today. We have been noticing its effect with periods of greater heat…
Read MoreWe arrived at Biofach 2020 with a differential factor, being able to provide the traceability of a product by reading the QR code, thus becoming the first company able to…
Read MoreRecent studies show that the consumption of sugar cane contributes to the improvement of our oral health. Its juice prevents the development of the annoying cavities and keeps our gums…
Read MoreIngredients: -700 grams of butter -200 grams of raw sugar cane -2 eggs -3.5 cups of gluten free flour -2 spoons of backing powder -1/2 spoon of vanilla extract Instructions:…
Read MoreFree access to information is a fact, we can learn almost everything in the internet. It is our choice to learn what actually can benefit us, especially regarding nutrition and…
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