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We arrived at Biofach 2020 with a differential factor, being able to provide the traceability of a product by reading the QR code, thus becoming the first company able to offer a product with these characteristics. Our brand stood out for its constant innovation and our social compromise along the way.

Within the framework of the fair, we met with various companies from: Germany, France, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. We are very pleased with each of the visits at our booth and the great reception our products received.

Being in the top 10 of the exporters of panela in Colombia, our team from Colombia, Germany and Spain went to represent Heincke.

We would like to thank Procolombia for its support and work during Biofach. We were pleased to be able to showcase what we do best and to participate in scenarios where companies have the opportunity to continue expanding there work worldwide.

Source: Maria Paula Guerrero.

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