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This December 5, World Soil Day is celebrated as part of an awareness campaign about the importance of caring for soils to maintain the balance of ecosystems.

Salts are a natural part of soil and water, and are important for sustaining biodiversity in ecosystems. However, droughts or human activities can increase the amount of salts (in a process known as salinization) and damage the soil by removing micronutrients, making it less able to absorb water and less capable of filtering polluting substances.

It is important to tackle this problem that affects agricultural production, food security and sustainability. World Soil Day 2021 seeks to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining ecosystems and having sustainable agricultural processes that do not harm the environment and soils.

At Heincke, we are committed to the sustainability of our processes, and we consider it important to be part of the World Soil Day 2021 campaign to preserve the stability of ecosystems.


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