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According to studies carried out by the program of Agroindustrial Processes of CORPOICA and the School of Medicine Juan N. Corpas, it was proved that panela is a natural cicatrizant.
Through this scientific advance the healing benefits of panela cease to be a traditional belief and is now recognized as a naturopathic medicine. This product is called CINAPAL (Natural Panela Cicatrizante), made with granulated panela in optimal hygiene conditions. To check its medicinal use, a treatment was performed with CINAPAL to 20 people in which the improvement in their scars was seen, in this way, it was demonstrated that panela stimulates the healing of ulcers in the skin, in levels similar to the rest products of the pharmaceutical market.

According to the director of CORPOICA, Luis Arango Nieto, with this advance opens a possibility for producers of panela to participate in the pharmaceutical market, because according to market studies conducted in Bogota by the same entity it was shown that there is a wide Demand this product in drugstores and health food stores.

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