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In 2019, the Foundation of the National Association of Businessmen of Colombia (ANDI) founded the initiative “IN Business Movement”, to recognize successful organizations in the inclusion of vulnerable populations in the value chain.

This initiative aims to encourage inclusive competitiveness and business management with social impact. To this end, it grants various recognitions to inclusive and inspiring companies and entrepreneurs, such as the IN Leader Recognition.

This year, Fernando Heincke (CEO of Heincke) has been chosen as the IN 2021 Leader, which highlights his efforts to promote and develop inclusive practices in his work. The objective of this recognition is to make Fernando a source of inspiration for other actors, to recognize the importance of promoting social and economic inclusion of vulnerable populations in the country.

Heincke’s work reflects the values ​​and principles of inclusion that Fernando promotes through all his initiatives, which is why we are proud of this recognition, a clear evidence of the impact we are generating in the world.


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