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The industry in Colombia is investing in new technologies to offer a an alternative to paper. In this case it is made from 100% sugar cane , which is a renewable agro-industrial waste. In this way the consumption of paper would no longer be a problem for the planet.

Sugarcane debris is a 100% virgin fiber with a high productive potential in Colombia, because of 224 thousand hectares enabled to sow, today we only use 20%. It is also important to emphasize that only 2% of world production is based on alternative fibers, and of this, only 0. 6% is made from sugar cane fiber.

The final product is characterized by a natural stable tone, which develops and markets a broad portfolio of papers and cartons, including books, magazines, self-adhesive labels, printed, photocopies and commercial stationery.

Colombia’s paper and cardboard sector exported US$112. 6 million between January and July of this year. The main export destinations of this sector in that period were: Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, United States, Chile, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Brazil and El Salvador.


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