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First of all, we want to invite everyone to stay calm and take advantage of this moment. We are presented an opportunity to enjoy our time at home while we continue with our responsibilities. Likewise, we suggest to consciously implement the health guidelines presented by the health care administration such as: hand washing and avoiding close contact with people outside the family we live with.

We have listed some actions that can contribute to a better management of the current situation with an emphasis on companies:

• Keeping informed about the virus and precautionary activities
• Reinforcement in campaigns of well-being, health, hygiene and cleanliness.
• Identification of threats and permanent monitoring.
• Application of teleworking protocols if possible.
• Rotation in the schedules of entrance and exit of employees.
• Special precaution in the case of population with greater degree of vulnerability like pregnant women, older adults and people with chronic diseases.
• Postponement of mass meetings.
• Virtual meetings are in order for small or big groups.

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