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The department of Valle del Cauca is one of the most important regions for Colombia. With an extension of 200km, it is located in the southwest of the country with coasts on the Pacific Ocean. In this department is the port of Buenaventura, one of the most important in the country for imports and exports.

Valle del Cauca has a differentiated climate, with an average temperature of 25 degrees centigrade and an altitude of 1000 meters above sea levels. In this department there are 42 municipalities, the capital is Santiago de Cali. It is divided into three natural regions:

1. The mountainous region, with the central and western mountain ranges.

2. The region of the Río Cauca valley, which constitutes one of the most important agricultural areas of Colombia.

3. The region of the Pacific coast, which stands out for facilitating exports, and for being a productive fishing area.

Sugar cane is the largest crop in Valle del Cauca, occupying a large part of the cultivated land, adding great value to exports and to the agricultural aggregate. In this department, we have various allies that produce panela in blocks or pulverized.

This panela has notes of honey and melado, combined with caramel, vanilla, coconut, arequipe, cocoa and manzanilla flavors. Additionally, it has notes of powdered milk that highlight the flavor of this panela to the maximum, along with a dark caramel color that makes it very attractive to consumers.


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