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Fernando Heincke, a businessman from Bogota and CEO of the company that bears his surname, has been considered one of the most visionary entrepreneurs of the recent generation. Within its marketing model this company seeks to benefit and bring value to Colombian farmers leading them towards international markets.

During the latest special conducted by the Colombian newspaper “El Colombiano” where they choose Juan Carlos Mora president of Bancolombia as director for one day of the newspaper. Juan Carlos choose  Fernando as one of his interviewee. Fernando had the opportunity to tell about the origin of Heincke and its evolution until today. We wanted to share some of the points in the interview, and the possibility of reading it in full at the link at the end.

“With Maria Panela we developed a product that nobody had asked for, now we know what the market wants, we try to develop the productive chain to reach the field. We do not neglect what we can propose as a company that can be innovative for the industry or customers”; he says. He is also convinced that the business is not only to sell or export panela, but to offer experiences, traceability, productive chains, innovation, research and development.

For now, the efforts are in consolidating Quipile’s project that will allow it to obtain a leadership in panel production. “When we are number one, which is not far away, and we develop an expertise in technical support and development of producers we could extend more strongly to other agricultural products” the entrepreneur adds.


For the full interview, please click on the following link:

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